Getting Drunk On Purim????? The concept of drinking wine until one can no longer distinguish between cursed by Haman and…
Chazal, our Sages of blessed memory, compare Shmini Atzeres to Shavuos. Shavuos comes 50 days after Pesach and is treated…
A few days ago on Yom Kippur, we beat our hearts while saying Confession for the sins we committed last…
During the 10 days of Repentance from Rosh HaShana until Yom Kippur, one of the main areas a person needs…
A proper candidate for Shliach Tzibur on Yomim Noraim and the whole year, should be one who: 1) has no…
In last week’s parsha, Bamidbar, we learned the Levi’im were rewarded with the right to carry the vessels of the…
In the year 2448 to creation, one of the most important mitzvahs given to us by the Torah is the…
Although the Gemara concludes that ðø ùáú ÷åãà çðåëä one who has only one candle must use it for Shabbos…
Although Chanukah was not originally established as days of feasting and rejoicing (because the redemption of Chanukah was spiritual –…
1. The fourth Thursday of November, observed as a legal holiday in the United States to commemorate the feast held…