Shavuos is supposed to be the celebration of the receiving of the Torah. However, looking closely at a calendar reveals…
On Shavuos we have the custom to read the Megillas Ruth. The Talmud [Bava Basra 14b] declares that its author…
The Pasuk in Vayikra [23, 42] orders: “You shall dwell in huts for seven days; all Bnei Yisrael shall dwell…
The Gemara in Masechet Shabbat (88b) tells that when Moshe went up to the heavens to receive the Torah, he…
As we approach the festival of Shavuos on which we commemorate the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai we…
Although we commonly refer to the holiday we now celebrate “Pesah,” this is not the name with which the Torah…
Keeping A Promise In the Passover Haggadah it states, “Bless is the One who kept His promise to Yisrael.” This…
As the Festival of Pesach-Passover approaches, it behooves us to begin contemplating the many important life-lessons which we learn from…
In the story of Purim, Haman who descended from Amalek, the quintessential Anti-Semite, prevailed upon King Achashverosh to decree that…
Succot happiness More than anything else, we all seek happiness in life. “Eternal youth” is nice, but what is it…