If one forgot to say Mashiv HaRuach and did not realize until after he completed the second prayer of Shemone…
If a person forgets to say “Mashiv HaRuach U’Morid Hageshem”: 1) If he remembers before the end of the Bracha,…
One year at the end of Yom Kippur, after Neilah but before Ma’ariv, my Rav in Boston said, “Please daven…
On the nights of Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur, after Shemone Esray we recite Psalm 24, L’David. One reason why…
On Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur, people should be very careful to avoid socializing in shul. Normally, more people are…
It is very important to have proper concentration during the first paragraph of Shemone Esray. The Sifsei Chaim says the…
Matei Ephraim states one should be extra careful to pray with concentration during Mincha on Erev Rosh HaShana. The reason…
The Alter of Kelm stated,”many people think tefillah is like all other mitzvos, but it is not. Tefillah is a…
When reciting Birchas HaMazon, a person should not be doing anything with his hands. He should not even clean up…
After a person uses a bathroom, he recites the blessing “Asher Yatzar” which thanks G-d for the miracles of his…