Succos 5768 – Clouds of Glory

This week Succos begins. A book called Talelei Oros shares an insight that I would like to share this week.

For forty years the Jews traveled through the desert. Use your imagination for a minute and think: if you had to walk through the desert and could only bring three things, what would they be? For most people it would be a huge supply of food, a huge supply of water, and a portable air conditioner. Well, these three things are exactly what the Jewish people had when they walked through the desert. Mon fell every morning and would be enough food for the whole day. In the merit of Miriam, a well traveled with the Jews constantly that was an unlimited supply of water. Also, the A’na’ne Ha’Kavod, Clouds of Glory, traveled with us which made the desert climate much more bearable. All three of these were gifts from G-d that we were very thankful for.

Thinking about this, there is an obvious question offered by Talelei Oros. The reason for Succos is to remember the A’na’ne Ha’Kavod that traveled with us in the desert for forty years. Therefore, we have a holiday remembering the gift of the Clouds of Glory, but what about the Mon and Miriam’s well. Why do we not have a holiday remembering them?

The answer given is because the Mon and Miriam’s well only came after we complained. We complained that we had no food so the Mon started falling. We complained that we had no water so Miriam’s well appeared. The A’na’ne Ha’Kavod, though, appeared without any complaining. It was a pure gift from G-d.

As Succos comes this year, we should comtemplate on this. Succos is a time when we are not supposed to complain. For those of us in Florida, it is easy to complain about the heat and the bugs. In the north, it is easy to complain about how cold it is. We can complain about the price of the Lulav and Esrog. We can complain about how much it costs to build a Succah and how long it takes to build it (especially when it raining while you are building it). There’s so much that we can complain about. But let’s realize that Succos is all about not complaining. Succos is about a time when we are to realize that everything is from G-d. Let’s reflect on all of the great things G-d has done for us.

May this Succos we really feel Zman Simchasenu – full joy and happiness!
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