Pinchas 5774 – Hallel on Succos and Pesach

Like these, you shall offer up for seven days (Bamidbar 28:24)

On Succos, every day we recite full Hallel. On Pesach, only the first day in Eretz Yisrael or the first two days outside of Eretz Yisrael do we recite full Hallel. On the remaining days of Pesach, we recite Half Hallel. The Gemara explains the reason for the difference between these Festivals. During Succos, every day a different number of animals were brought as offerings. On Pesach, though, the same amount of animals were brought as offerings on each of the days. Therefore, only the first day of Pesach offers something new which requires the full Hallel.

The Midrash offers a different reason regarding the differences for Hallel between the first day of Pesach and the remaining days. On the seventh day of Pesach, the Egyptians drowned at the Sea of Reeds. The Angels wanted to sing praises to Hashem, but Hashem responded that they should not sing while Hashem’s creations were drowning. Therefore, to remind us of this, we sing Half Hallel on the seventh day. The seventh day is a Festival day which no work is allowed to be done. Chazal established that on the Intermediate Days (Chol HaMoed) one should also recite Half Hallel because Chol HaMoed should not be greater than an actual Festival Day.

It is fitting that we learn the lesson from this Midrash during this week’s parsha. We should not be overly excited when people are punished, even when it is our enemies.

The beginning of this week’s parsha mentions the story of Pinchas, one of the greatest zealots of all time. What made him so special and great? It is that he did not want to do the act of zealotry. When he killed the sinners, he only did it for the glory of Hashem. He did not have ulterior motives nor did he enjoy killing someone. When a person does a zealous act, he should not be excited nor happy that he needs to perform that act. A person should not be excited when he needs to punish others. He should feel like he needs to do the act and there is no alternative.

Why do we recite Half Hallel on most of the days of Pesach? According to the Midrash, it is to teach us that we should not be overly excited about the harm done against our enemies.

Good Shabbos!
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