Parshas Tetzaveh-Parshas Zachor-Purim Edition The Power of Simcha By Rabbi Moshe Gruenstein

The Power of Simcha
Since Purim is around the corner, let me share with you the following insight
from Megillas Esther. When Esther invites Ahashveros and Haman to her
first private wine party, Ahashveros asks Esther, “What is it that I can do for
you? Just ask me. Up to half the kingdom I will give you.” Esther responds,
“Please come to a second wine party that I will be hosting tomorrow. Then
I will tell you.” For heaven’s sake, Esther, why are you pushing it off another
day? The Jewish people are in grave danger. Now you have the opportunity.
So why does Esther delay?
According to Rav Nachman of Breslov zt”l, it’s because at the first wine party,
Haman was in a great mood. And when a person – even a wicked one – is
happy, when he is b’simcha, the trait of simcha is such a positive quality in
G-d’s eyes, that it creates a protective shield around him. Therefore, Esther
felt she would not be successful. So, she invited them to a second wine party,
because she saw through divine revelation that the next day, Haman would
not be so happy. And the rest is history! The next time around, Haman was,
indeed, not happy. Esther indicted him to the king, and the Jewish people
have another holiday called Purim. Such is the positive power of simcha,
and such is the negative power of not being b’simcha.
Wishing you an inspiring Shabbos and a happy Purim,
Rabbi Moshe Gruenstein

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