Negative Commandment #88

Sefer Ha’mitzvos Ha’Katzar (The concise book of mitzvos) By the Chofetz Chaim

This book lists the Torah mitzvos that can be observed today

Second Section – the Negative Commandments

88. It is a negative commandment “do not eat forbidden fat”

As it states in Vayikra (Leviticus) 7:23, “You shall not eat any fats of an ox, sheep, or goat.” If a person eats an olive size amoount of one of the three animals’ fats willingly, he gets Kares (cut off from his people). If it is done in error, he needs to bring a sin offering. Fat found on the tail of an animal is permitted, because the only forbidden categories of fats are ones used for an offering, like the fat of entrails, kidneys, and loins. Sinews in fat are forbidden. Fat of undomesticated animals is permitted.

This applies in all places and at all times, for men and for women.

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