
After Maariv on Rosh Hashana we have a custom to greet each other with a blessing for a good year. A few questions are raised regarding the wording and timing of this greeting.
The Rama 582:9 says that we should say to each other “you should be inscribed for a good year”. The Magen Avraham says to add the words “and sealed immediately for a good year”. The GR”A argues with the Magen Avraham. He says that even though the books for a tzaddik are inscribed and sealed on Rosh Hashana, this is regarding the judgment of the next world. The judgment for this world is the same for everybody, which are not sealed until Yom Kippur. Therefore, the tzaddik also has a chance to repent during the ten days of repentance and will hopefully get a better judgment. According to this opinion, we do not want an immediate seal on our judgment. The Mishna Berura brings both opinions. Others say to add the words “to be sealed” explaining that even if the final judgment isn’t until Yom Kippur you can still bless the person in advance. (See Kaf Hachaim and Matteh Ephraim) According to this view, you should omit the word “immediate”.
Regarding the timing of the blessing, the gemorah in Avodah Zarah 3b says that the judgment is during the first three hours of the day. After this time, the blessing is unnecessary. The Magen Avraham brings an opinion that the blessing can be said until midday. As for the second night and day, the Mishna Berurah brings two opinions as to whether the blessing applies.

Rabbi Tzvi Aryeh HymanMir Yeshiva, Jerusalem- [email protected]

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