Torah Parshas Tetzaveh & PURIM Teasers 1. The candles of the Menorah were filled with oil to last through the…
Torah Teasers Parshas Terumah 1. Hashem commanded Moshe Rabbeinu to build a Mishkan and take generous donations from Bnei Yisrael.…
Torah Teasers Parshas Mishpatim 1. Rashi says the reason why the Torah write “V’Eileh HaMishpatim”, and these are the laws…
Torah Teasers Parshas Yisro 1. Yisro heard all the stories of Yetzias Mitzrayim, but only after hearing them from Moshe…
Torah Teasers Parshas Beshalach 1. “V’LoNacham Elokim Derech Eretz Pilishtim Ki Karov Hu; Hashem did not want to take Bnei…
Torah Teasers Parshas Bo 1. After having second thoughts and calling back Moshe and Aharon after their warning of the…
Torah Teasers Parshas Va’eira 1. In the beginning of Parshas VaEirah, the Torah tells us the children of Reuven, Shimon,…
Torah Teasers Parshas Shemos 1. “Vayakutzu Mipnei Bnei Yisrael; The Mitzrim were disgusted with Bnei Yisrael,” (Shemos 1:12). The Ben…
Torah Teasers Parshas Vayechei 1. Unlike every other Parsha, there is no break between the end of Parshas Vayigash and…
Torah Teasers Parshas Vayegash 1. When Yosef revealed himself to his brothers he said, “Ani Yosef, Ha’Od Avi Chai?” Why…