Torah Teasers Parshas SHOFTIM 1. “Ki Savo El HaAretz… V’Amarta Asima Alai Melech; When you come into Eretz Yisrael… and…
Torah Teasers Parshas RE’EY 1. “Lo Sisgodidu.” The simple meaning of the pasuk is that one should not make scrapes…
Torah Teasers Parshas EIKEV 1. Eretz Yisroel is a land where you can eat bread without scarceness, a land that…
Torah Teasers Parshas V’eschanon 1. Hashem tells Moshe he will not go into Eretz Yisrael. Instead He tells him, “Alei…
Torah Teasers Parshas Devorim 1. “Eicha Esa Livadi Tarchachem U’Masachem V’Rivchem; How can I carry you alone, your bother, your…
Torah Teasers Parshas Matos / Maasei 1. “Nikom Nikmas Bnei Yisrael MeiEis HaMidayanim Achar Tei’asef El Amecha,” (Matos 31:2). Hashem…
Parshas PINCHUS 1. The Medrash Plia says that if you want to prove that Pinchos is Eliyahu, you see it…
Torah Teasers Parshas BALAK 1. The Malach appeared to Bilam and asked him why he hit his donkey since the…
Torah Teasers Parshas CHUKAS 1. The Gemara tells us that Dama Ben Nesina, a non-Jew, was a sterling example of…
Torah Teasers Parshas KORACH 1. Shortly after Korach began the feud with Moshe, Moshe called to speak to Dasan and…