These are the living things that you may eat (Vayikra 11:2) You are what you eat. Our food, when we…
Moshe thoroughly investigated concerning the sin offering and it had been burnt. So he was angry with Elazar and Isamar,…
Every raven to its kind (Vayikra 11:15) This week’s parsha discusses the kosher and non-kosher species. When listing the unkosher…
This is the law regarding animals, birds, all living creatures that move in water and all creatures that creep on…
“Speak to the Children of Israel saying, “these are the animals you may eat from among the animals that are…
This week’s Divrei Simcha is taken from two Divrei Torah from the book: Ta’la’le Oros. The Mishna in Brachos states…
The celebration is on! It is the First of Nissan of the second year since the Jews left Egypt and…
Pigs and How to Rebuke Everyone knows that pigs are not kosher. The source for this is this week’s parsha.…