Fighting our greatest enemy This week’s parsha contains the very famous verse of Mah Tovu O’halecha Yaakov Mishkenosecha Yisroel (How…
This week I would like to share a different approach to Moshe hitting the stone. This insight is from a…
Don’t Blame Rashi This week’s parsha, we learn about the dispute that Korach began against Moshe. I have a question…
In this week’s parsha, we learn about the twelve Meraglim (spies) that were sent to scout out Eretz Yisroel before…
Comparisons There are two times that Yehoshua (Joshua) speaks in the entire Torah and both times that Yehoshua speaks, he…
Women This week’s parsha, Bamidbar, begins with the counting of the Jewish people not only once, but twice. The reason…
Why did Hashem invent traffic lights? The Manchester Rosh Yeshiva, of blessed memory, was once sick and a minyan was…
Space Mountain A few year’s ago, I went on Space Mountain, which is a roller coaster in the dark, at…
Watching Television Last week, my son brought home a letter from his school that said between April 23 and Shavuos,…
SO BE A DENTIST… Most of this week’s parshas, Tazria & Metzora, discuss the laws of tzaras, which is a…