The Pasuk says: “Hashem said to Moshe: You are soon to lie with your fathers. This people will thereupon go…
The Parasha of Nitsavim always precedes Rosh Hashana, as it contains three verses that describe the true Teshuva and its…
The Pasuk says “Moshe went out and spoke these words to all Israel. He said to them: I am now…
Rebuff Moshe Rabbeinu And Keep It A Secret? On the day Moshe Rabbeinu was supposed to pass on from this…
Why Did Yehoshua Rebuff Moshe Rabbeinu And Keep It A Secret? On the day Moshe Rabbeinu was supposed to pass…
I can no longer go out and come in (Devarim 31:2) Peninim on the Torah makes an interesting comment on…
You are all standing this day before Hashem, your G-d… your woodcutters and your water drawers. (Devarim 29:9-10) Rashi points…
And they will say on that day, ‘It is because G-d is not among us that all these evils have…
All of you stand together on this day (Devarim 29:9) The Kli Yakar points out that there is a new…
“And now, write this song for yourselves and teach it to the Children of Israel…” -Devarim 31:19 The final of…