In this week’s Parsha, it relates at length the subject of Avraham seeking an appropriate wife for his great son,…
Did Avrohom Bring Yitzchok For a Korban? We all understand Akeidas Yitzchok to be a test for Avrohom that was…
Vayeira -“It’s Nice To be Nice” 18:4 – *Let now a little water be fetched, and wash your feet, and…
Murder Can’t Be Left to the Human Mind The Torah warns us (Noach 9:6) that someone who spills the blood…
In this week’s Parsha, Hashem brought the Mabul, the Great Flood in which all life was terminated except those that…
Creating A World Around Bnei Yisroel Rashi brings the medrash that asks why does the Torah start with Bireishis, when…
White toothed from milk (Bereshis 49:12) The Gemara in Kesubos quotes the above verse and states that when a person…
Yaakov Didn’t Dare To Dream When Yosef brings his children to Yaakov for a Bracha, Yaakov says, “Lir’os Panecha Lo…
I Am No Worse Than Eisav When Yosef revealed himself to his brothers he said, “Ani Yosef, Ha’Od Avi Chai?”…
Yosef Explains A Dream And Becomes A Powerful Ruler? Yosef is pulled out of jail to decipher the message of…