He gave each one of them a change of clothing (Bereshis 45:22) At the end of last week’s parsha, Yosef…
Yosef recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him (Bereshis 42:8) How could Yosef do such a thing to…
Yosef was seventeen years old… (Bereshis 37:2) I have recently been reading stories about professional athletes (need to stay knowledgeable…
Ad he slept on that night (Bereshis 32:14) And he slept that night in the camp (Bereshis 32:22) Yaakov seems…
And Yaakov went on his way and Angels of Hashem met him (Bereshis 32:2) Our Sages tell us that when…
And Esav said to Yaakov, “Pour into me some of this red, red pottage, for I am faint”; he was…
And Hashem said to Avrohom, “Why did Sara laugh, saying, ‘is it really true that I will give birth although…
Count the stars (Bereshis 15:5) A few months ago, I moved to a new neighborhood. My first night there, I…
Come let us descend (Bereshis 11:7) The language written in this week’s parsha is very strange. Hashem says “Come let…
And Yosef lived 110 years (Bereshis 50:21) Yosef ruled in Egypt for 80 years. He started as the viceroy when…