Illustrated By Rov David Cohen – Chabad Lubavitch, Brooklyn NY.
The Torah Ends With A Lesson For The Ages The Torah is considered to be complete after Sefer Bamidbar. Sefer…
Torah Teasers Parshas Matos / Maasei 1. “Nikom Nikmas Bnei Yisrael MeiEis HaMidayanim Achar Tei’asef El Amecha,” (Matos 31:2). Hashem…
In this week’s Parsha the Torah recounts the travels of Bnei Yisrael during their 40 year sojourn in the desert.…
These are the journeys (Bamidbar 33:1) It is summertime. It is a time for travel. It is a time for…
And he must remain there until the death of the Cohain Gadol (Bamidbar 35:25) I know you probably heard this…
The descendants of Gad and the descendants of Ruvain came… they said, “if it pleases you, let this land be…
You will be clean before Hashem and before Yisrael (Bamidbar 32:22) I saw an amazing thought this week written by…
These are the journeys of the Children of Israel… (Bamidbar 33:1) About ten years ago, my wife and I decided…
“Anything placed on a fire, you must pass it through fire to purify it, but it also must be purified…