1) THE SOURCES FOR PERMITING FISH WITHOUT “SIMANIM” (a) Question: Which source to permit fish (in vessels) without Simanim is…
1) THE DIFFERENT WAYS OF EXPOUNDING THE VERSE (a) Question: What do Tana d’Vei R. Yishmael and Tana #1 (i.e.…
1) “SIMANIM” OF BIRDS THAT ARE “TAMEI” (a) (Mishnah): Chachamim said, any bird… (b) (Beraisa – R. Gamliel): Any bird…
1) BUYING EGGS FROM NOCHRIM (a) (Beraisa): In any place, we may buy eggs from Nochrim; we are not concerned…
1) THE SPECIES THE TORAH FORBIDS (a) (Rav Yehudah): “Sholach” – this is the bird that takes fish from the…
1) HOW TO KNOW THAT A BIRD IS “TAHOR” (a) (Rav Nachman): If one who recognizes the Tamei species finds…
1) THE “SIMANIM” OF BIRDS THAT ARE “TAMEI” (a) (Mishnah): The Torah did not give Simanim of Tamei and Tahor…
1) ONE WHO DID NOT FATHOM HASH-M’S GREATNESS (a) Kaiser: I want to see your G-d. (b) R. Yehoshua ben…
1) FOODS THAT CAN KILL (cont.) (a) (Rav Yehudah): If one eats three measures of Chiltis before his meal, his…
1) EGGS OF A “TEREIFAH” (a) Version #1 (according to Rav Acha – Ameimar): If a female bird became a…