The halachah states that there are three steps to doing teshuvah – confession, regret, and accepting not to do the…
Ma’ariv after Yom Kippur One year at the end of Yom Kippur, after Neilah but before Ma’ariv, my Rav in…
This week’s Shabbos will be much different than normal. The reason is, as we know, because we will not be…
A proper candidate for Shliach Tzibur on Yomim Noraim and the whole year, should be one who: 1) has no…
Before I begin this week’s Divrei Simcha, I would like to write two things: 1) Please forgive me for not…
Many years ago during the time of the Gemara, there was a man named Eliezer ben Durdaya. This man was…
We have a custom to nullify our vows on erev Rosh Hashana. Chayei Adam 138 explains that we do this…