This week, which is the week preceding Purim, there is an obligation for all to hear the Parasha of Zachor,…
One of the Mitzvos related in our Parasha is the three festivals: Pesach, Shavous and Sukkos. The Verse [Shemos 23,…
After the splitting of the Sea and the Egyptians drowned The Parasha states: “And Hashem delivered Israel on that day…
Prior to the firstborn plague Moshe summoned all the elders of Israel and said, “Go, pick out lambs for your…
Prior to the fourth plague the Verse states: “And the Hashem said to Moshe, “Early in the morning present yourself…
When describing the birth of Moshe, who will lead forever after the Bnei Yisrael up to Mashiach, The Torah recounts:…
Our Parasha is the last of the Book of Genesis. The death of Yaacov represents the end of an era.…
The Parasha starts by saying; “Yehuda approached him [Yosef] and said, ‘If you please, my lord, may your servant speak…
The Verses recount: “That very night he arose, and took his two wives, his two maidservants, and his eleven children,…
The Parasha tells: “And Yaakov departed from Beer Sheva and went to Charan. He encountered the place and spent the…