The tribal princes did not include Aaron when they brought their offerings for the inauguration of the Altar. G d reassured Aaron by noting that he had inaugurated the Candelabrum, which was just as important – if not more so – than inaugurating the Altar.
Setting the Soul on Fire
בְּהַעֲלֹתְךָ אֶת הַנֵּרֹת וגו’: (במדבר ח:ב)
[G-d instructed Moses to tell Aaron,] “When you kindle the lamps.” Numbers 8:2
G‑d instructed Moses to tell Aaron that whenever he would light the lamps of the Candelabrum, he should hold the fire to the wick until it remained burning steadily on its own.
Spiritually, this means that when we “light the flame” of our own soul or the soul of another person, we should not just deliver some quick inspiration and then move on. We should remain near, nurturing the soul’s flame until it becomes a steady and self-reliant glow.1
1. | Likutei Sichot, vol. 2, p. 316–317. |
Translated and Adapted by Moshe Wisnefsky