Bs’d Dear Rabbi: I must be bad with the computer. Anyway I can not find on your website the slots where to sign up for shmirat haloshon.You guard your tongue for two hours every day. I want to join a Machsum Lifu Do you have a form to fill out? Anyway I want to join. You can even tell me what hours to guard my tongue and pick them for me since I try to guard my speech all day anyway. I am sure others in the chesed club have joined and chose their two hours, My name is Devora My husband needs a refuah shelama he is moshe mordechai ben yehudit Thank you

Hi, we have added his name to our prayer list. Rafouh Shalima If you need help to sign up for…

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I stopped speaking loshon horo and rechilus and try to be very careful. My question is why do I not have mazel I constantly have troubles especially with my children no nachos? Also parnassa does not come easily. I would like to give tons of charity to the needy and Torah scholars but the budget is never there. Please respond ton [email protected] Thank You Devora

This is a great question. The truth is, however, that we can never fully understand the ways of Hashem. The…

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