The Pasuk in Vayikra [23, 42] orders: “You shall dwell in huts for seven days; all Bnei Yisrael shall dwell…
On Yom Kippur, at the end every Shmonei Esrei we add a prayer that the Gemara Brachos brings in the…
The Pasuk says “Moshe went out and spoke these words to all Israel. He said to them: I am now…
Rosh Hashana is the Judgement day, where Hashem sits on the Throne of “Din” and judges every person. The Satan…
The Pasuk says: “You stand this day, all of you, before the Hashem your God, Your heads, your tribal leaders,…
In this Parasha, Moshe concludes the transmission of the 613 Mitzvot and begins the final section of Deuteronomy, Moshe’s farewell…
The Pasuk says: “Judges and law enforcers you shall appoint in all your “gates” who will judge fairly”. Rashi explains…
The Parasha starts by saying: “See, today I set before you the blessing and the curse”. “The blessing, if you…
The Pasuk says: “And now Israel, what does the Hashem your God demand of you? Only this: to fear Hashem…
The Parasha starts by telling us that Moshe prayed to Hashem in order to have the right to enter Eretz…