The Parasha starts by reporting the death of Aaron’s sons: “And Hashem spoke to Moshe after the death of Aaron’s…
This Parasha describes the disease of Tzaraas, commonly translated as leprosy. However, the Talmud states it is not Leprosy, as…
IntroductionThe Melacha of Borer – sorting/separating is both complicated and unique. These laws are complicated since there are an endless…
This Parasha puts forth the dynamics of choice of foods and their ramification. The Verse states: “You shall not draw…
The seventh day of Pesach commemorates the splitting of the sea, which occurred so the Jewish people could escape the…
By Rabbi Shimon Fridmann
The Parasha starts by repeating information provided in the previous Parasha: “These are the records of the Tabernacle, the Tabernacle…
The Parasha starts with Moshe Convoking the entire nation as he has a very important message to deliver directly. “These…