When is the earliest time in the evening when one can fulfill the Misva of reading the nighttime Shema? This…
G-d appointed 70 elders to assist Moses. Moses’ wife remarked to his sister Miriam that these elders would probably separate…
The lesson we learn from the spies’ By the 29th of Sivan, 2449, the Jewish people had reached the…
By the 29th of Sivan, 2449, the Jewish people had reached the border of the Land of Israel. Some of…
If lashon hora and sinat chinam (hate with out reason) could destroy the bait Hamikdosh/ Holy Temple, then certainly they…
Many believe that truth is the domain of great minds, that the greater one’s intellect, the closer one can come…
This week Parasha marks one of the saddest moments of our history. The Bnei Yisrael requested from Moshe to send…
The famous Halachic principle of “Tashlumin” allows a person to make up a missed Amida prayer if the prayer was…
Anything G-d wants could happen by perfectly natural means. And it could happen through you. “They are stronger than us.”…
When A Jew studies Torah, he perfects his entire being –but this can be forfeited through speaking loshon hora. http://www.ngplease.com