In the morning, some people have the custom to recite Asher Yatzar (the blessing after using a restroom, in which we thank G-d for making all of our organs work) immediately before saying Eloki Neshama (thanking G-d for restoring our soul). Others have the custom of saying Asher Yatzar and then saying Birchas Ha’Torah (blessings over learning Torah). Whichever way you say them, there is a great lesson to learn according to the second opinion (saying Birchas Ha’Torah after Asher Yatzar). One reason why they are placed next to each other is to remind us the main reason we need our health. It is not so we can run for miles or go to our jobs. It is so we can learn Torah. The main reason we are thankful for all of our organs working is so we can learn and do mitzvos.