My Miracle December 25, 1986

The Tehillim Club was inspired in December 25, 1986.

I received a call one Tuesday evening at 1:15am that my Abba was shot. I was advised by the paramedic to Helicopter my Abba to the hospital since he lost so much blood, and so we did.

My Father was operated for Six (6) hours. The Operating Dir. in-charge told me that I should pray for a miracle, there is not much hope, prepare for the worst.

I was not ready to say Goodbye to my Father.

At that very moment, and I don’t know why, the first thing that came to my mind was to call Rabbi Casriel Brusowankin (Aventura Chabad • 21001 Biscayne Blvd. • Aventura, FL 33180 • 305-933-0770) he can help me. After a brief conversation with the Rabbi (at that time I was not orthodox and very far removed, the only reason I know of this wonderful Rabbi is because he use to visit our Kosher (under ORC supervision establishment) he asked me to stop by his house and that everything will be OK. (I don’t know what inspired me to do this, it was not something I would ever do, but at that time I felt maybe his prayer would help my Father.

When I arrived, I got a nice warm hug and a kiss. The Rabbi immediately placed a call to another Rabbi in Brooklyn N.Y. His name was Rabbi Schneerson. (I only found out later that Rabbi Schneerson was the Lubavitcher Rebbe, and what a great Jewish leader he was “The Lubavitcher Rebbe, R. Menachem Mendel Schneerson“)

In a few words Rabbi Casriel told him what had just happened. After listening to Rabbi Casriel, Rabbi Schneerson had told Rabbi Casriel to tell me that I personally need to pray and say Tehillim for my Father every day and that B”H” everything will be OK. He also said that when I pray for my Father and say his name, when I ask Hashem for Refuah Shelaima V’Mheira / A quick and complete recovery, that I should also add other names of sick people as well.

Rabbi Casreil thanked him and then handed me a Siddur and a book of Tehillim, he took a few minutes to show me what to read, what to say and when to pray. He also told me that every day I should guard my speech (not to gossip) for 2 hours in honor of my Father and in honor of two other people.

I took down notes and started that very night to pray with all my heart and committed not to gossip every morning from 8am to 10am. (and still do so every day)

Six months later, two (2) great miracles have happened –  thank G-d.

Miracle number one, my father condition has changed B”H” to the point that he was able to walk, talk, eat and drive back to work, and function just like he was before this terrible dramatic incident.

Miracle number two was that my life took a drastic change to the better B”H”. I started to learn with the Rabbi every Tuesday afternoon, one on one, and I must say I loved it. I recorded our class; I took notes and couldn’t wait for the next Tuesday to come.

Only then I realized “WOW” if my prayer helped make miracles for me and my Father, there may be other people out there that need a miracle too.

I am so, so thankful to Hashem and to all the wonderful Rabbis that had the patience to teach me Torah.

Two years later I kept my first Shabbat, and the flowing Shabbat till today B”H”, as well as keeping all other Mitzvot B”H.

I must Thank the fallowing Rabbis who helped me, Guided me and got me started.

Rabbi Casriel, Rabbi Schneerson, Rabbi Kovacs, Rabbi Yoel Cohen, Rabbi Yaakov Azulay, Rabbi Eliyaho Shoul Zamil, Rabbi Yachnes, Rabbi Chait, Rabbi NissimYagan Z”TL, Rabbi Eliezer Talbur, Rabbi Pesach Krohn and many many more,

Thank You,

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