Lech Lecha 5775 – A Precious Goal

Hashem said to Avram, ‘go from your land, your birthplace, and your father’s house to the land I will show you’ (Bereshis 12:1)

Why did Avraham have such difficult tests? Rav Pam points out that this week’s parsha begins with Hashem telling Avraham to leave his land and family, but he does not tell him where he is to go. Rashi says that this is to make the journey more precious. Every step Avraham took, he did not know if he was getting closer to his goal or not. When suddenly he reached his goal, he was overjoyed.

When someone is handed something, it is not as enjoyable as earning it by oneself. If someone struggles and fights to accomplish a goal, it brings more happiness and more benefit to the person. Ever look at a painting on a person’s wall? Who is the most happy person with the painting? If a person gets it for free, it is nice, but it is not extremely precious to him. If the person painted the picture, though, it is extremely important to him. He has much pride from it.

Rabbi Raymond Beyda once said that the greatest joy in a person’s life is accomplishing a goal. He said the reason a person spikes a football after he scores a touchdown is because he has done something he worked years and years and years to do. Many football players probably don’t realize why they are so excited when they score, but it is because they feel inner joy over reaching a goal they set for themselves.

When we need to work hard to get something, it is a good thing. If a person is spoon-fed everything, there is no satisfaction. This is why there are more depressed people today than in the past. Through technology, we do not need to work as hard. Since this week marked the day that Marty McFly traveled to in Back to the Future Part 2, I feel we should mention that they now have sneakers which tie themselves. Think about it… we don’t even need to lift a finger to tie our shoes! Everything happens automatically. It might be easier, but it takes away from the joy and satisfaction in life.

Hashem could have picked up Avraham and immediately put him in Eretz Yisrael. Instead, he made Avraham have to walk for miles and miles. This is because when he struggled with every step, it made the goal that much more precious.

Good Shabbos!
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