Vayeira 5778 Questions & Answers

1. Where is butter mentioned in this Parasha? In what
context is butter mentioned in the Prophets?
2. In this Parasha, who is referred to as being “elderly”
with the expression Zaken or Zekainim? (4 answers)
3. In this Parasha, which two people question Hashem
about killing a tzaddik (righteous person)?
4. In this Parasha, which two people make a Mishteh – “a
5. Where is salt mentioned in this Parasha? When is the
next time that salt is mentioned in the Torah?
6. Aside from the book of Breishis, where else do the
cities of Sodom and Amora appear in the Torah?
7. In this Parasha, who became intoxicated with wine?
What other two people in the book of Breishis became
8. Which two people give the same exact gifts to each
1. Avraham serves butter to the angels (Breishis 18:8). In the book
of Judges, Yael serves butter to Sisra (Shoftim 5:25).
2. The Torah refers to both Avraham and Sarah as
“elderly” (Breishis 18:11). Later on, the Torah describes the
crowd that converged on Lot’s house as ranging “from young to
old” (Breishis 19:4). Lastly, the daughters of Lot called their father
a Zakein (Breishis 19:31).
3. Avraham asks Hashem if He will kill the tzaddikim of Sodom
(Breishis 18:25). Avimelech also asks Hashem if He will kill a
tzaddik (referring to himself for not touching Sarah) (Breishis
4. Lot makes a feast for the angels (Breishis 19:3), and Avraham
makes a feast when Yitzhak is weaned (21:8).
5. Lot’s wife turns around and becomes “a pillar of salt” (Breishis
19:26). Salt is not mentioned again until Leviticus 2:13 with regard
to the salt required for korbonot.
6. The song in Parashas Ha’azinu mentions Sodom and Amora
(Devarim 32:32).
7. Lot became drunk after the destruction of Sodom and Amora
(Breishis 19:33). Also, Noach became drunk after the Flood
(Breishis 9:21), and the brothers became drunk after bringing
Benyamin to see Yosef (Breishis 43:34).
8. When Avimelech returns Sarah, he gives to Avraham sheep and
cattle (Breishis 20:14). Later in the Parasha when the two make a
treaty, Avraham gives Avimelech the same gift of sheep and
cattle (Breishis 21:27).

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