Toldot 5778 Questions & Answers

In what two contexts does the number 40 appear in
this parasha?
2. In what other contexts does the number 40 appear in
the book of Breishis ? (5 answers)
3. Which verse in this parasha has five verbs in a row?
4. In this parasha we are informed of the birth of the
twins Yaakov and Esav. Which other set of twins
appears in the Torah?
5. Whose neck is mentioned in this parasha? (2 answers)
6. Where else in the book of Breishis is a neck
mentioned? (4 answers)
7. Who cries in this parasha? Where else in the book of
Breishis does someone cry? (8 answers)

1. Yitzhak marries Rivka at the age of 40 (Breishis 25:20). Esav
also marries at age 40 (Breishis 26:34).
2. Noah’s flood lasts for 40 days (Breishis 7:12), and at the end of
40 days from the appearance of the mountaintops, Noah opens
the window to send out the raven (Breishis 8:6). Avraham asks
Hashem if He will save the city of Sodom if there are 40 tzaddikim
living there (Breishis 18:29). Yaakov sends Esav a gift that
includes 40 cows (Breishis 32:16). Yaakov is mummified for 40
days before his burial in Hebron (Breishis 50:3).
3. When Esav takes the lentil soup from Yaakov, the Torah states:
“And he ate and he drank and he got up and he went and he
degraded the birthright” (Breishis 25:34).
4. Twin sons, Zerach and Peretz, were born to Yehudah and Tamar
(Breishis 38:27).
5. Yaakov’s neck is mentioned when his mother places the goat
skins upon it (Breishis 27:16). Esav’s neck is mentioned by
Yitzhak in his blessing (Breishis 27:40).
6. In 33:4, Esav cries on the neck on Yaakov. In 46:29, Yosef cries
on the neck of Yaakov upon their reunion after 22 years. In
41:42, Pharaoh places a golden chain on Yosef’s neck in appointing
him viceroy of Egypt. In 45:14, Benyamin cries on the neck of
Yosef upon their reunion. Esav cries when he finds out that
Yaakov received the blessings (27:38). Elsewhere in the book of,
Hagar cries when she thought that Yishmael would die (21:16).
Avraham cries at the funeral of Sarah (23:2). Yaakov cries when
he meets Rachel (29:11). Yaakov and Esav cry when they reunite
(33:4). Yaakov cries about the apparent death of Yosef (37:35).
Yosef cries when he reunites with Yaakov in Egypt (46:29).
(According to Ramban, it was Yaakov who cried when seeing
Yosef.) Yosef and Benyamin cry when they reunite in Egypt
(45:14-15). Yosef cries when Yaakov passes away (50:1).

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