Shemini 5781 – Why is it called Shemini if it was the first day for Aron to serve as a Cohen Gadol

Shemini – The name of our Parasha, Shemini, (“the eighth”) refers to the day on which Aaron and his sons were inducted as the priests of the Sanctuary. It was also the day on which the presence of G‑d was revealed. But why was it called the eighth day? It followed the seven days during which the Sanctuary was consecrated.

If the 8 day was actually the first day of Aron serving as a Cohen Gadol / high priest and his sons as Cohanim! Why isn’t day 8th day called the first day? Isn’t it the first day for Aron and his sons to service of the Miskhan???

The normal rules governing the behavior of the priests were suspended on the eighth day of the installation rites because the day’s essential message was that G‑d can override His own rules. Whereas the number seven signifies the natural order, the number eight signifies the miraculous transcendence of natural order.

Nevertheless, there could not have been a miraculous eighth day of the Tabernacle’s inauguration without the preceding seven non-miraculous days. This is because G‑d makes His miraculous intervention in life dependent upon us.

The ultimate transcendence of the natural order will occur in the Messianic era. The miraculous revelations of the future will be the result of the preparations we make now. As we continue to refine the world through natural means, we should bear in mind that the results of our efforts will be beyond whatever we can imagine.

And there for our Sages tell us that when one prepares for a Mitzva before he actually preforms the mitzva he gets credited from the minute he gets involve preparing for the Mitzva.  We actually get credited for every day that we are involved in the preparation of the Mitzva for every second because Hashem rewords us for our intention to do the Mitzva.

By Rabbi David Lerfield






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