Parashat Nasso 5779

“Take the Census”

The Parasha requires to “Take the Census” [the literal translation is to “elevate the head”] of the sons of Levi. However, the verse mentions the counting only regarding 2 sons out of the 3, Kehat and Gershon, but regarding the third son of Levi, Merari, the verse does not mention it.

The Chatam Sofer gives a wonderful explanation: that the names of Levi’s sons “Kehat and Gershon” allude to the times of “Light” which the Israelites will have in future generations. The name “Kehat” is from the verse “To Him shall the nation Assemble [יקהת]”, So “Kehat” refers to the times when the Israelites will dwell in their land, respected and feared by other nations. The name “Gershon” refers to times when the Israelites will be expelled from their land [Gershon’s root is Geirush, to expel in Hebrew]. Even though it was difficult times, we will still have our Sages to enlight and provide us guidance and support. During those times Fathers were greater than their children, therefore the Torah commanded Moshe to “Elevate the heads of the sons of Israel” so they reach the level of their fathers.

However, the name Merari refers to the last generation before Mashiach comes. It will be a generation of annihilation [Merari’s root is Mar, bitter in Hebrew]. This is even more so when we analyze the names of Merari’s sons “Machli and Mushi”, Machli comes from Machala, sickness, and Mushi means preoccupation. This infers that the last generation will live in the darkness in stressful times at all levels, without Sages for guidance and support.  Therefore, every good deed that will be done then will be more powerful and Cherish by G.D than the deeds of the Holiest Jews of previous generations.

Times are not easy but the reward is enormous, let’s take 5 minutes a day and pray to G.D from the deepest depth of our Souls, this will be more meaningful to G.D that the prayers of all previous generations. Those prayers will all be answered with the venue of Mashiach.

By Rabbi Fridmann * [email protected] * 305.985.3461

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