Parasha Naso 5781 – Sota

Who in Their Right Mind? – 
Fourth Reading: Numbers 5:11–6:27
Translated and Adapted by Moshe Wisnefsky

G-d then instructed Moses the laws regarding a suspected adulteress. If a husband has grounds to suspect his wife of adultery, he should first raise the issue with her privately; if her actions continue to arouse his suspicions, he may subject her to a test by which G-d would indicate whether she was innocent or guilty. This test only worked if the husband’s motives were totally pure, if he himself was not guilty of adultery, and when society as a whole was horrified by adultery. (In consideration of all these factors, this ritual was discontinued some time before the second century CE.)

Who in Their Right Mind?

אִישׁ אִישׁ כִּי תִשְׂטֶה אִשְׁתּוֹ וּמָעֲלָה בוֹ מָעַל: (במדבר ה:יב)

[G-d instructed Moses to tell the Jewish people,] “Should a man’s wife stray, [causing him to suspect that] she was unfaithful to him.” Numbers 5:12

Committing a misdeed is a terrible act because the Jewish people are “married” to G‑d. Were adulterers not married, their behavior would not be judged so harshly; the fact that they betrayed a covenant-relationship is what makes them deserve punishment. The same is true of the Jewish people. A misdeed is not merely a technical transgression; it is a personal affront to our beloved Divine Spouse.

As Jews, our connection to G‑d is so strong that it is inherently impossible for us to transgress His will. The only way we can commit a misdeed is by deluding ourselves into thinking that it will not jeopardize our connection to G‑d. Reminding ourselves that G‑d is our “spouse” helps us avoid committing misdeeds.1

1. Likutei Sichot, vol. 2, pp. 311–314.


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