Ki Sisa 5776 – Money of Fire

This they shall give, everyone who goes through the counting: half a shekel according to the holy shekel. (Shemos 30:13)

Rashi tells us that when Hashem commanded Moshe about the half shekel requirement, he showed Moshe the image of the coin made of fire. He did this to teach a lesson. Fire can do two things: it can destroy and it can warm someone.

Ever hear a story of a parent dying and leaving his wealth to his children, and unfortunately, the children no longer speak to each other because they argued over the money that was left for them. Or of how many businesses have been destroyed because the partners who owned the company had a dispute over money. Money can be very harmful. Ever notice that no one breaks into a garbage dump to steal trash? People break into banks to steal money. This is because money is powerful, but money can be very dangerous.

Money can also do great acts of kindness though. The Gemara tells us about a great man named Dr. Abba. He was known as a kind, caring person who was very generous. One day, Abaye decided to test him. He sent two of his students to his house to stay there for a day or two. In the morning, they left with Dr. Abba’s expensive blankets hidden on them. Then, they met Dr. Abba in the marketplace and offered to sell him his blankets… at an expensive price. Dr. Abba smiled and paid them. The two men decided it was time to tell Dr. Abba the truth about their test. Dr. Abba said he never thought badly of them. He knew the blankets were his and he was being overcharged for them, but he thought these two men were poor and were too embarrassed to ask for money. He did not want to embarrass them, so he paid them the high price.

Dr. Abba knew how to use his money. He was generous and cared for others with it. Others, unfortunately, use money to care for themselves and destroy relationships with it. This is why money is like fire. Let’s use our money for good purposes.

Good Shabbos!
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