Ki Savo 5772 – SPARKs

I have done according to all that You have commanded me. (Devarim 26:14)
I have rejoiced and caused others to rejoice through it. (RASHI)

This past Sunday night, I had the parent’s orientation for my son’s middle school. During the orientation, the faculty mentioned how a main focus this year would be to minimize the amount of bullying. If you did not know, one of the biggest issues in schools today (this includes all schools, Jewish and non-Jewish) is bullying. Bullying can negatively affect everyone. Of course, it affects the person being bullied, but studies show that even innocent by-standers, who are not being bullied, have a higher amount of anxiety because of watching this type of behavior. Therefore, minimizing the amount of bullying is a main focus of many schools nowadays.

The principal of my son’s school mentioned that the verse says, “turn from bad and do good” (Tehillim 34:15). This verse needs to be divided into two parts: Part 1 is turning from bad. This means to do whatever you can to get rid of negative behavior. The second part is the way to get rid of the bad… and that is doing good. Therefore, my son’s school is starting a new project this year called SPARK – which stands for Students Performing Acts of Random Kindness. Students will be encouraged and praised for doing small acts of kindness: like saying “good morning” or holding the door for someone. These small acts of kindness will build a community of kindness.

The special events coordinator pointed out if a person does an act of kindness to someone else then the recipient will want to reciprocate it. If someone does a favor for me then I will want to do a favor for him. The goal of the school is to have all of the students performing acts of kindness for each other. When people are doing kindness for each other, how can they even think of doing something bad to the other person?

This week’s parsha talks about our obligation to give maaser, tithes. There is a declaration that we make regarding maaser that “I have done according to all that You have commanded me,” and Rashi comments that this means I have rejoiced and caused others to rejoice through it. When we make others rejoice, they will want to make others happy too. Therefore, it will create a happy society full of joy. What better thing can we do?

Sparks start fires. Fires light up dark areas. Fires keep people warm on a cold night.

Many people think we live in dark, cold times. If this is true, then the greatest thing we can do is light fires and the way to light fires is with SPARK. Although the first word of SPARK is Students, all of us are really students because we are continuously learning and growing. Therefore, lets take our SPARKs and create fires to brighten up the world.

Our Sages tell us that Hashem destroyed the Bais HaMikdash with fire. When the third one is built, it will come from fire. May our SPARKs bring the final redemption this coming year!

Good Shabbos!
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to see previous Divrei Simcha on the Parsha, please go to OR > Torah Study

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