Chukas 5775 – Have a Rav, judge favorably

The whole congregation saw that Aharon had expired, and the entire house of Yisrael wept for Aharon for thirty days. (Bamidbar 20:29)

The mishna in Pirkei Avos states, “Make for yourself a Rav, acquire a friend, and judge everyone favorably.” Are these three things together in the mishna because they have something in common or are they three separate things?

All of the Jews mourned for Aharon for 30 days. Rashi points out that every man and woman mourned for Aharon. This is because Aharon went out of his way to bring peace between everyone: neighbors, husbands and wives, families. Therefore, everyone clearly saw the benefit of what he did in this world. How did Aharon bring peace? When he heard about an argument between two people, he went up to them and told them a different way to look at the situation. He pointed out to one of the people that the other person who he is arguing with is really a good person. He then did the same for the other person. He made people focus on the positive side of things.

This is the power of a Rav. The mishna in Pirkei Avos states to have a Rav and a friend because when a person discusses situations with them, he is able to judge favorably. He is able to see good in every event, even when it does not look like it is good.

About fourteen years ago, I was sitting on my Rav’s couch one night and saying that I wanted to quit my job. I had been working there for only a few months, but it was difficult. I felt the job was not helping me grow spiritually. Also, the job was requiring me to travel a lot during the first few years (for example, I was required to go to Virginia for four weeks in a row). I was not happy. My Rav told me to stay with the job though. He pointed out many good things about my job and after talking for about an hour, I decided to not quit. I remained with this job, and Baruch Hashem, I’ve almost been with the company for fifteen years. I can’t say that I love every day, but I am enjoying the job. I hear from my friends about their situation and realize that the situation I have with my job is great.

A Rav has the power to let you see things differently. This was the power of Aharon.

Good Shabbos!
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